Duncan has been adjusting really well to life with us. He seems to enjoy his crate and sleeps soundly through the night, and he already has a few favorite toys. He has been eating and using the bathroom normally too. As far as his temperament he is a joy to have, he is sweet and playful. Everybody he has met has fallen in love with him instantly. We brought him to see our relatives on thanksgiving and I think he was more popular than we were!
Anyway, we just wanted to respond and tell you how happy we are with Duncan. Here are a few pictures of him we think you will like.
Jennifer and Trevor
It's been almost two weeks with Sparky (who is now named Johnny) and we absolutely LOVE him! He follows me everywhere around the house! We took him to the vet yesterday and he had a clean bill of health. He is growing and playing so well! He is a little over 10 pounds now, so I'm thinking he is going to be a big boy. I just wanted to thank you again for our Bouvie baby!

You can check out more of our testimonials and reviews on our website, www.winsomewheatens.com
Happy Winter!!