Bouvier play time!
These little girls ( well uh, not so little anymore :) spent the afternoon playing on our porch! They had a blast playing with a squeaky ball and just being rowdy with each other!
Tiarra, Twila, and Tacey
Ooh....this looks like a fun toy!
If I smile at the camera, do I get an extra belly rub tonight? Pretty please?!
Um, excuse me, but are you my furever family?

This ball is starting to get a little boring ... where's my sister?
Ah, let's just relax!
This makes a cozy nest!
Chewy balls are the best!! (oh, er, maybe belly rubs are better.....)
Time for a break!
Who are you?
Oh, ha ha! You're the one with the camera!
Oh, good bye for now! Come see me soon! I want to meet my new furever family!